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Members of SHAPE have written several books relating to health services research, project management and health services management. The two most current books are featured below.
This updated version of the book was published in 2019.
The authors present project management approaches that can be readily adopted in the health and community services context.
It has also been translated into Chinese.
It is available for purchase from online booksellers.
The handbook was published in 2018.
It was developed as a resource for health management researchers and those people interested in making decisions based on health management research.
The book is available for purchase via the Australian College of Health Service Management's website.
This is a peer reviewed journal published by the College of Health Service Management to promote the discipline of health management.
SHAPE has played a significant role in the development of the Journal. Under the editorial leadership of Adjunct Professor David Briggs AM, a Past President of SHAPE, the Journal has grown in reach and impact.
Publication of articles and access to articles is free. For Journal access click here.